As an artist/illustrator, I have to give it up to someone who I stumbled across in one of my favorite fashion on-line magazines
Clutch. Magazine. Her name is
Daisy Giles from the Twin cities (Minnesota) and will be receiving her BFA very soon. As I was reading the article, I was so intrigued on how she described her artworks and her paintings of beautifying and elegant use of black natural hair. I have never seen something like this before. For most African American women, having natural hair was considered "bad hair". Within and outside of the culture we were told to straighten by any means necessary. Being nappy did not equal happy for many of us. But, for me in 2003, I had decided to do the Big Chop. The big chop away from the "white crack" (a.k.a chemical perm), chemically damaged hair and start fresh. I had no hair but, my little curl of new growth and I absolutely loved it. I remember rubbing my hand over my head and thinking OMG I really like this. I also remember my
boyfriend correction ex-boyfriend rubbing his hand over my head and probably thinking OMG why did she do this. He never said anything about it. Which was a good and bad thing. Yes, I had gotten talked about, criticized and looked at funny but, after awhile people started to ask where did I get my hair done and thinking about following suite. I really did not care what people thought because having natural hair for me was...just being naturally me. I have been nappily, pressed out and twisted for over 8 years now. My hair is probably the healthiest that its ever been.
But, to each its own though. Hair is just hair whether you rock it curly, straight, relaxed, nappy, dreaded, braided. But, when I saw Daisy's paintings with the use of black natural hair, I was truly inspired and thought they are absolutely gorgeous.
I found Daisy on
tumblr and was excited to see she was following
mine !! Here are some of my favorites by her.
Untitled, Oil on Canvas |
I have to say I am new, true fan of hers and I wish her the very best. And a congratulations in advance on her BFA! I hope to see her works in exhibitions a little closer to where I live. Check out her website at
wow that inspiring draws!!! I love the feeling and the colours of that paints. Great found!
Thanks, I love her paintings too. :)